This is Miss Ayezlyn. Her first birthday was this week so we spent the day celebrating yesterday. She is a good little baby. We don't get to see her very often because she, her parents and her sisters live in Tulsa, which is a two hour drive from our house. Ayezlyn is my husbands' little sister's baby girl. My husband's sister, Erin, is a great mom. The first time I met her she was pregnant with her daughter Makayla and I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met. It's a lot of fun to watch her interact with her three girls.
Aren't they beautiful? We went to dinner after the party and the two oldest girls, Jaida and Makayla, wanted to ride home with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Dena. They sat in the backseat and asked us questions like "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and Ryan and I just stared at each other. That is such an easy question to answer for those little girls, so full of hopes and dreams and ambition. While Ryan and I are half grown and still have no idea what the idea of being "grown ups" really means.
Jaida is going to be a singer when she grows up. She is in the choir at church and loves to sing. She is eleven and starting to act and feel like a teenager. I wish she would hold out a few more years.
Makayla is six. She is going to be an artist when she grows up. Or a singer. She would also like to be a mom. She loves her sisters, her cousins, and especially her Nana.
Sitting in the backseat Makayla asked "Dena, how old are you?"
"I am 23 years old" I responded.
She paused for a moment, crossed her arms and said,
"Ha! My Nana is older than you!"
I love those girls.
They're so cute...remembering when mine were that small...