Saturday, April 2, 2011

6WS, 3 goals, and respectful discussion :)

Today I am linking up with Show My Face today for Six Word Saturday

Today we will go shopping, yay!

Just before bed last night we set three goals for today:
1. Get up early, hit the garage sales.
2. Track down a store with a 3DS on display and check it out.
3. Go to the grocery store.

Well, number one was a failure as we did not roll out of bed until almost eleven o’clock. We ate some toaster waffles and enjoyed them immensely. I love Saturdays because we are able to sit and enjoy our breakfast (even if we do eat it at lunch time). We are pretty sure that Best Buy has a 3DS display so goal number two is well underway. The grocery store… well, that might have to wait a couple of days! I would just like to enjoy this day if possible!

So I have been thinking a lot about topics for this blog. I sat down yesterday and tried to come up with 30 things I could write about this month. I came up with about 20 altogether but I’m not sure if I’ll even get close to writing about all of those topics. Those of you that know me know that I have very strong emotions towards certain things. Sometimes I am perplexed by people and their ability to not feel so strongly. So often in my life I am overcome with feelings of love and admiration that I might just reach out and hug or kiss a person. These powerful emotions aren’t always good ones, though. I am very often overcome by anger, hatred, and guilt as well. Sometimes these feelings make me write things that I don’t often really mean, or at least that I don’t really want other people to know that I am thinking. The fear of people knowing what I’m thinking is why I stopped writing in the first place. Many years ago I had a blog that I wrote in very often. It was completely anonymous, and life is so much easier to live when you can do it anonymously. But as soon as people in my real life found that blog I could no longer get myself to write in it anymore. I knew there were certain people I couldn’t talk about or certain feelings I couldn’t really share. So I lost an outlet. I lost the ability to get my feelings out on paper (err, computer screen) and share those feelings with others. So here I am trying to find the balance. Who knows what will come of it? I hope that those of you reading will not take offense to anything that I say in the next month. In fact, I encourage you to tell me whether or not you disagree with me. I know that my opinions very often differ from those who are close to me, especially politically. I am open to respectful discussion. I love to hear others opinions as much as I love to share my own.

Well, now that it is officially afternoon I am off to start this beautiful day. The sun is out and my daisies are starting to grow. Maybe we will buy some patio furniture today so that we can enjoy the weather more often. I know it won’t last long here in crazy weathered Oklahoma. I love you all. Thanks for reading.


  1. My 6 for you..." Woke up late also...Mmmm, fabulous! " Happy SWS...:)

  2. "But as soon as people in my real life found that blog I could no longer get myself to write in it anymore. I knew there were certain people I couldn’t talk about or certain feelings I couldn’t really share. So I lost an outlet. I lost the ability to get my feelings out on paper (err, computer screen) and share those feelings with others. So here I am trying to find the balance. Who knows what will come of it?"

    This is why I moved my blog and have kept it anonymous. I couldn't handle people I knew reading my little writing experiments. It hampered me so I applaud your courage.

    Have a great time at Best Buy. I'm waiting to hear about the 3DS. Have a great weekend!

  3. oHHHH...the best plans of mice and men....
    I understand your need to have some privacy,but I don't think you'll find it here...sounds like you had a great day anyway....thanks for the awesome comment today.
    love you
    me~ xoxo

  4. My blog is anonymous in name, honest in content. It allows me a lot of freedom. I think you need to just follow your heart in this case.

    Thanks for playing 6WS!

